>> swifty's hq v2.2 >
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.: At Rest :. | |
today was OK. i went out shopping with my dad to get some more distilled water. realizing i do have quite severe agoraphobia and need to reintegrate myself into society again. also realizing no one ma... |
.: All About Dogthings :. | |
what is a dogthing?
a dogthing is a very rudimentary or simple dog... or, dog "thing"... that i draw a lot. theyre inspired by a lot of different dogthings, like the car seat headrest dogs, or that... |
.: Faded T Shirts :. | |
my cat has been sitting in sunbeams again lately... she hadn't for a while but it's funny that i have to look around my chair to make sure she isn't sitting directly behind the wheels... she loves bei... |
.: Memory and Nonhumanity :. | |
saw my psych today, refilled my cpap machine odds and ends on the phone... whew! my psych was - well, psyched, i guess, when i told her i finally got a new chair, and i got to show her pictures i'd t... |
.: Arts and Crafts :. | |
lately ive had the itch to create stuff.... trying lots of new techniques or methods.... there's a lot of mediums that id like to play with irl that i dont have access to due to space/money/time... w... |
.: Every Website An Island :. | |
the difference of social media / blogging vs independent website use is so... strange, honestly. i grew up in such an era before social media, you know, and even still, i feel strange going back to t... |
.: Things My Cat Likes :. | |
here is an unorganized list of things that my cat likes...
the sound of a crinkly paper bag
looking outside my window at night before she goes to bed
playing with her ribbon toy from be... |
.: The Familiar Spiral :. | |
have you heard about how the human brain tends towards the pain it knows towards the pain it doesn't?
our brains are wired for patterns. we crave familiarity, routine, a foothold in a world that's al... |
.: Back To Normal :. | |
after a long journey of medical negligence i have my testosterone back! so i feel much more peaceful again. which feels funny - i always hear this harmful stereotype of "testosterone makes you angry"... |
.: Ship of Theseus :. | |
i had a thought today about the concept of the ship of theseus
so the idea of the ship of theseus, to its bare essentials, is thus: "if you replace all the parts of something, is it the same thing a... |