Tagged “memory”

tagged “memory”

Archiving My iPod Nano
avatar introduction october 4th, 2012. i was sitting quietly in my dad's truck. he was still working as a landscaper, and i was along for the ride while he topped up on supplies - pipes and pots and all t...

article memory (read full post...)

Puppy Stories 1
avatar when i was a puppy, i would take the tater tots from my school meal and mash them with a spork because i preferred the texture that way when i was in preschool, we made slime, and i put the slime in...

log memory (read full post...)

What's In A Neoname?
avatar back when i first played neopets in 2002, i was having so much trouble with pet names. i was really really young at the time - young enough that i had to have my parents send in a COPPA form to the ad...

games memory (read full post...)

Firestar's Allegory of the Cave
avatar there is a very interesting quirk that i've noticed in the warrior cats fandom. now, i don't really pay attention to fandom in modern days. that said, i read the books growing up, i drew fanart, i r...

article memory (read full post...)

What Is An Animal
avatar i have been listening to an audiobook of Wild Magic by tamora pierce recently. an excellent writer who gives her characters interesting, likeable personalities while playing within and outside expect...

article otherkin memory (read full post...)

Art as an Adjective
avatar when i was in middle school, i decided to become an artist. you would think this isn't really something you consciously decide, i guess. but i decided firmly that it was what i wanted to do. i wante...

article memory drawing (read full post...)

avatar i've added further integration of posts on the front page. i didn't really neeeeed a separate layout for blog posts at all. i figured it'd just be nice all around, and might also be really nice to in...

log drawing memory gender (read full post...)

Love is...
avatar "i can tell you love her, you just totally lit up!" coming home feels like i'm going on a vacation. my thoughts always meander back to her. i bring her up all the time when i'm around strangers. she's...

article silly memory (read full post...)

Changing And Staying The Same
avatar i think ive been dawdling in the past a lot because i'm unhappy w/ the present lately, at least in some regards... i've always lacked the same independence other people mistake for maturity. even now,...

log memory health drawing (read full post...)

Internet Wisdom
avatar my mother was a very flawed and insane human being. my feelings on her are complicated. but i have a sort of nostalgia for the stuff she taught me about the internet when i was a puppy. she taught m...

article memory (read full post...)

Daffodils and Fig Leaves
avatar after a nightmare of a wildfire and separation from family, i found myself washing dishes in the kitchen this morning. the weather is fair today. somewhat cloudy, just the puffy ones that come with th...

memory drawing (read full post...)