Tagged “games”

tagged “games”

tableturf cheatsheet
avatar the big ones back to main tableturf page shelly & donny & super chump jelonzo & sheldon captain & steelhead dj octavio & big man flipper-flopper & sheldon openers thunder point steelhead &...

games guide (read full post...)

tableturf guide
avatar intro to building decks There are four categories of tile: coverage, movement, utility, and special. Coverage tiles are those fuckhuge tiles that cover a lot of area. Not to b...

games guide (read full post...)

vintage story
avatar yall sleeping on this one!! just because it looks like a minecraft clone. i can kinda get it. it looks like a ripoff at a glance, but when you actually play it, it's like, an entirely different game....

review games (read full post...)

splatoon 3
avatar this released a few days ago and i already love it! full disclaimer: i've played splatoon 2, but not the original. so i have moderate experience with this series already. summary splatoon 3 i...

review games (read full post...)

avatar so, this one of the first - if not *the* first - open-world pokemon game. you'd think it'd be kind of a risky move - and are they trying to ride on the coattails of breath of the wild? well, i...

review games pokemon (read full post...)

dwarf fortress
avatar god, ok, so what to say about this game? well, it's been in development for like, what, almost two decades? and it has a cult following that honestly promotes it more than most mainstream game fans....

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oddities in pokemon
avatar here's a long, long page of weird, specific, and niche oddities in the pokemon games. the goal here is to list ones that aren't well known or generally dont matter except to super nerds (me, and maybe...

games pokemon (read full post...)

pokewalker methods
avatar in 2009, pokemon heartgold and soulsilver were initially released. these games came with a little pedometer toy, dubbed the pokewalker, that allowed the player to take their pokemon with them on walk...

pokemon games (read full post...)

dwarf forts
avatar dwarf forts dwarf fortress is a civ builder game that's been in constant construction for over a decade. you boss around a colony of dwarves and make $$money$$ and DIG DEEP. i play this game more tha...

games (read full post...)

What's In A Neoname?
avatar back when i first played neopets in 2002, i was having so much trouble with pet names. i was really really young at the time - young enough that i had to have my parents send in a COPPA form to the ad...

games memory (read full post...)

A Retelling Of The History Of Fuzz Academy
avatar setting the scene it's 2008. the e-machine tower hums, and the low, dull crackle from the modem massages your brain as you wait five million years for the dial-up to connect you to your destination...

article games (read full post...)

avatar when i was very little, i went camping for the first time. it was me, my mom, my dad, and my sister, and we went to celebrate my mom's birthday in late july. i remember burning my finger on the met...

log games review (read full post...)

My Ideal Pokewalker Emulator
avatar pokemon heartgold and soulsilver released in in 2009. released in parallel was the pokewalker addon, which would connect to the games via infrared connection. (the carts even have a darkened panel on...

games pokemon (read full post...)

Demystifying Catz, part 2
avatar here's my check-in! i extracted a whole lot of in-game text strings, and i've found even more variables to play with. this is getting interesting... firstly: i used a program called GBA Explorer. t...

article games (read full post...)

Demystifying Catz for the GBA
avatar (some of this was posted to my cohost account prior to shutdown.) catz for the gba is one of those games that might be considered 2000s bargain-bin quality. this is one of those games that got hit wi...

article games (read full post...)

Animal Crossing: Spam, Junk, and Treasure
avatar i have been playing animal crossing for the gamecube recently. i found myself struggling badly to figure out the answer to one question: what in the HELL counts as a 'good' letter to a villager? do yo...

article games (read full post...)

An Incomplete Catalogue Of Pokemon Fansites
avatar i went on a deep dive and went looking at a bunch of pokemon fansites for a web-based pokemon fangame i remember from when i was no older than 6. the game itself was isometric, featuring gen 2 pokemo...

article games pokemon oldweb (read full post...)

The Preparation For The Storm
avatar in preparation for artfight next month, my characters page has gone under slight renovation and now is pretty much done again. i would like to get a new properly-redrawn ref done for loon before the e...

log drawing games (read full post...)

Pixel Cats End
avatar have you played pixel cat's end? i've been playing it for a year and a half (as of writing). i think it's really cute and fun and easygoing. a lot of petsites tend to hook the player into patterns th...

article games (read full post...)

Goodbye 3ds
avatar the 3ds and wii u servers are going down today. you can upload your spotpass data to the spotpass archival project if you want to contribute to future community efforts to revive the service. i even...

log games (read full post...)

Statement Continues
avatar firstly: i've got more artwork added in. i have some WIP articles being written about winamp and fuzz academy, but i've been too tired to work on them at length. for the most part, the biggest change...

log drawing games health (read full post...)

Occasional Thunder
avatar it's almost time for the site's anniversary... unfortunately the project i wanted to complete for it will be taking longer than expected. who knows when it'll be done? though i would still like to ma...

log games (read full post...)

Back and Forth
avatar valentimes.... i celebrated my sixth anniversary with my sweet girlfriend recently, i just came back from visiting her up in oregon. it's interesting how i feel coming back 'home'; every time i come b...

log health games (read full post...)

Same Stew Just Reheated
avatar despite feeling static, i think i've found some fun things to do lately... videogame wise, i played some path of exile with my girlfriend (and had more fun than i expected!), and i'm getting back int...

log drawing games (read full post...)

Sing A Song About Life
avatar its a nice sunny day here in california! i am still waiting to hear back from a lot of places about various things. (this includes the wound care department of the hospital, who have yet to set up an...

log health gender drawing games (read full post...)