other websites

i was running out of space on the right nav, and wanted a separate page for outgoing links, so here's a page for other pages that i like :-)

mew151experience machinewarpzonesomnolescentratwalksjay eatonstarbagecinnamuffquaint laboratoryjosefnuangeappledustitaseaslugkalechipsray-of-sunshinerobophobiacawsmic entitypkmn breeder samsylphofeonsvintagefursuitscavernofremembrancehogcaveofdragonflieslargehorsebrilobluemoonfallsasraloreav70authendogblogcloudpawtelnagabarleydogsnewsnewkokoscriptwolf.observerj0.lolgabu.dogaura isleaura islelily v

other sites i like that don't have affy images:

nothin' doin - horse on vhs | kid radd