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tagged “drawing”

trailhead: from start to finish
avatar thumbnailing i started out with a little rough draft to plot out the overall idea and the values i wanted. if i were a little more proactive, i would have done a color draft, too, but i ended up j...

article drawing (read full post...)

Art 4 N00bz: Elements of Art
avatar introduction i get asked sometimes about my process and how i plan out my pieces, so i thought a long post about the basic principles of art would be helpful. this information can be used twofold as b...

article drawing (read full post...)

deconstructing the dogthingwalker
avatar the first step in making something is figuring out what the hell you want to make, and how you want to set it up... i'll be honest, it actually occurred to me midway through the entire process that...

log drawing (read full post...)

Clouds Roll By...
avatar i've done some refinement to blog listings on the respective collection pages so that it's easier to parse and traverse. ive been too tired lately to do much art or do anything particularly creative....

log health drawing (read full post...)

avatar after what felt like ages, i have finalized changes and additions to my winamp skin directory and classic winamp skin creation tutorial pages. aough. i hate writingggggggg. i hope theyre useful and fu...

log drawing (read full post...)

The Hatches! Open!
avatar further edits have been made to my characters page, notably new refs for loon and swifty. these are also uploaded to my artfight profile. i wanted to make sure everything was set in stone before the t...

log drawing (read full post...)

The Preparation For The Storm
avatar in preparation for artfight next month, my characters page has gone under slight renovation and now is pretty much done again. i would like to get a new properly-redrawn ref done for loon before the e...

log drawing games (read full post...)

Walls and Footholds
avatar lately i have been trying to find a new approach to my creative processes. this has had its own effects, a ripple on my little pond, through different unrelated endeavors, like finding fun in things,...

article drawing accessibility (read full post...)

Extra! Extra!
avatar hooray! the 3d thumbnails aren't broken anymore. (i had forgotten to convert them over when i converted the 2d gallery.) i have added a toggle to show/hide alt text - the alt text has always been the...

log drawing (read full post...)

Rattle Rattle
avatar i cleaned up (read: deleted) some old old art entries (and they were broken already oops). i've also uploaded some new art, and we recently affiliated with citadark (my friend miles). you can see his...

log drawing (read full post...)

Art as an Adjective
avatar when i was in middle school, i decided to become an artist. you would think this isn't really something you consciously decide, i guess. but i decided firmly that it was what i wanted to do. i wante...

article memory drawing (read full post...)

Statement Continues
avatar firstly: i've got more artwork added in. i have some WIP articles being written about winamp and fuzz academy, but i've been too tired to work on them at length. for the most part, the biggest change...

log drawing games health (read full post...)

avatar i've added further integration of posts on the front page. i didn't really neeeeed a separate layout for blog posts at all. i figured it'd just be nice all around, and might also be really nice to in...

log drawing memory gender (read full post...)

A Torrent
avatar im finally doing a fairly significant update... the archive is moved to the left nav, and recent art posts are listed above the news entries on the main page. AND THERE'S AN RSS FEED FOR THAT! that...

log drawing (read full post...)

Eyesore & More
avatar the thing about reviving an old trend or style is that you need to find a middle ground between accuracy and accessibility. as of late, there's been a scemo/scene/emo/sparkledog type revival. people...

article drawing webdev accessibility (read full post...)

Changing And Staying The Same
avatar i think ive been dawdling in the past a lot because i'm unhappy w/ the present lately, at least in some regards... i've always lacked the same independence other people mistake for maturity. even now,...

log memory health drawing (read full post...)

Arts and Crafts
avatar lately ive had the itch to create stuff.... trying lots of new techniques or methods.... there's a lot of mediums that id like to play with irl that i dont have access to due to space/money/time... w...

log drawing (read full post...)

Every Website An Island
avatar the difference of social media / blogging vs independent website use is so... strange, honestly. i grew up in such an era before social media, you know, and even still, i feel strange going back to t...

article drawing webdev (read full post...)

avatar lately ive been feeling simultaneously like ive hit some sort of artistic sweet spot AND like im struggling a bit. i think ive kind of found the kind of art i'd like to do. i am afraid to sort of pig...

log drawing (read full post...)

Same Stew Just Reheated
avatar despite feeling static, i think i've found some fun things to do lately... videogame wise, i played some path of exile with my girlfriend (and had more fun than i expected!), and i'm getting back int...

log drawing games (read full post...)

An Open Window
avatar hahaaaa. back again! my cpap machine is kind of a wonder to me. i actually catch myself missing the feeling of it on my face in the mornings, much like when i would cover my face with the blanket to...

log health drawing (read full post...)

Sing A Song About Life
avatar its a nice sunny day here in california! i am still waiting to hear back from a lot of places about various things. (this includes the wound care department of the hospital, who have yet to set up an...

log health gender drawing games (read full post...)

Drawing From Life
avatar today i woke up a bit late - 12:30pm or so - but felt better than usual since dad installed a humidifier yesterday morning, which meant my mouth wasn't as dry. i saw my dad bring it in, and i said, 'o...

log health drawing (read full post...)

Daffodils and Fig Leaves
avatar after a nightmare of a wildfire and separation from family, i found myself washing dishes in the kitchen this morning. the weather is fair today. somewhat cloudy, just the puffy ones that come with th...

memory drawing (read full post...)