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here's my articles. these are posts that are more informative than introspective, but the two aren't necessarily exclusive.

.: cloudy :: 09.16.23 :: Faded T Shirts :.
avatar my cat has been sitting in sunbeams again lately... she hadn't for a while but it's funny that i have to look around my chair to make sure she isn't sitting directly behind the wheels... she loves bei...
.: sunny :: 09.08.23 :: Memory and Nonhumanity :.
avatar saw my psych today, refilled my cpap machine odds and ends on the phone... whew! my psych was - well, psyched, i guess, when i told her i finally got a new chair, and i got to show her pictures i'd t...
.: sunny :: 09.07.23 :: Arts and Crafts :.
avatar lately ive had the itch to create stuff.... trying lots of new techniques or methods.... there's a lot of mediums that id like to play with irl that i dont have access to due to space/money/time... w...
.: sunny :: 08.18.23 :: The Familiar Spiral :.
avatar have you heard about how the human brain tends towards the pain it knows towards the pain it doesn't? our brains are wired for patterns. we crave familiarity, routine, a foothold in a world that's al...
.: sunny :: 08.04.23 :: Back To Normal :.
avatar after a long journey of medical negligence i have my testosterone back! so i feel much more peaceful again. which feels funny - i always hear this harmful stereotype of "testosterone makes you angry"...
.: sunny :: 06.27.23 :: Stasis :.
avatar lately ive been feeling simultaneously like ive hit some sort of artistic sweet spot AND like im struggling a bit. i think ive kind of found the kind of art i'd like to do. i am afraid to sort of pig...
.: sunny :: 06.25.23 :: Same Stew Just Reheated :.
avatar despite feeling static, i think i've found some fun things to do lately... videogame wise, i played some path of exile with my girlfriend (and had more fun than i expected!), and i'm getting back int...
.: sunny :: 06.02.23 :: Who am I, really? :.
avatar my cpap mask's filter broke off today so im without a mask for a bit :S auuu auuu. on the bright side, i got my leg bandaged again at wound care, i really like the people who work there. but i guess...
.: cloudy :: 05.25.23 :: *12 hours of SEL powerline noise* :.
avatar today i got my leg looked at by the wound care department at the hospital! it looks to have healed pretty significantly, but the swelling was still there, so they put a compression stocking on along w...
.: sunny :: 05.22.23 :: An Open Window :.
avatar hahaaaa. back again! my cpap machine is kind of a wonder to me. i actually catch myself missing the feeling of it on my face in the mornings, much like when i would cover my face with the blanket to...