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here's my articles. these are posts that are more informative than introspective, but the two aren't necessarily exclusive.

.: sunny :: 05.12.23 :: Sing A Song About Life :.
avatar its a nice sunny day here in california! i am still waiting to hear back from a lot of places about various things. (this includes the wound care department of the hospital, who have yet to set up an...
.: rainy :: 05.02.23 :: Springing A Leak :.
avatar life has a funny way of fucking with you, i think! the last few days my leg um. well, title says it! further details, cw fatphobia and medical talk: so, my legs've been in a state of swelling for.. a...
.: sunny :: 04.27.23 :: A Good Nights Rest :.
avatar so my cpap machine finally came yesterday! is it weird that it was so exciting to me? i guess i am pretty tired of waking up tired. lol. my dad's perception of cpap machines is a bit jaded. the setup...
.: sunny :: 04.25.23 :: Inspiration Wells :.
avatar art's been really rough for me lately, as i've had a lot of struggle doing things i want to do lately. (yes, my cpap machine is still in the mail, thank you very much!) and it is also very hard for me...
.: cloudy :: 04.05.23 :: Avoiding The Holes :.
avatar i tend to forget how much certain triggers can affect me. or like. i underestimate it. i go, "oh, well, i should be used to this sort of rhetoric, i can handle it, im stable!' but. um. ~2decades of bu...
.: overcast :: 04.03.23 :: Repetition, Repetition, Repetition... :.
avatar today i felt very tired. i took a shower, which meant the rest of the day was spent recovering from the very same shower. (friends tell me this isnt normal. and this is probably a POTS thing? idk.) t...
.: cloudy :: 03.31.23 :: Drawing From Life :.
avatar today i woke up a bit late - 12:30pm or so - but felt better than usual since dad installed a humidifier yesterday morning, which meant my mouth wasn't as dry. i saw my dad bring it in, and i said, 'o...
.: rainy :: 03.24.23 :: Self Advocacy and Life Quality :.
avatar not another post about my doctor misadventures!! see, growing up fat and bullied, i've had a long, long time to work through my personal issues & like, generally stand up for myself more in a lot...
.: rainy :: 03.14.23 :: Thoughts On Doctors And Self Advocacy :.
avatar man... just thinking about a recent incident with a doctor. i went in to talk about my chest pains and other symptoms. i showed the doctor my logs and she barely glanced at them, saying that it was...
.: rainy :: 02.27.23 :: Strike The Earth! :.
avatar greetings or something, bro im so tired i went to bed at 3am and woke up FIVE TIMES until i just got up at 9. then i napped from 2 to 4. my god. no rest for the forest played dwarf fortress. got salam...