pokewalkers >> swifty's hq v2.2 >

here's my articles. these are posts that are more informative than introspective, but the two aren't necessarily exclusive.

.: rainy :: 02.19.24 :: Kick In The Ass :.
avatar the site has an rss feed, and the front page features blog posts instead of individual update logs. this will ideally lead to me making more log posts like this to properly elaborate on what i've...
.: overcast :: 2.14.24 :: Back and Forth :.
avatar valentimes.... i celebrated my sixth anniversary with my sweet girlfriend recently, i just came back from visiting her up in oregon. it's interesting how i feel coming back 'home'; every time i come b...
.: sunny :: 11.14.23 :: Changing And Staying The Same :.
avatar i think ive been dawdling in the past a lot because i'm unhappy w/ the present lately, at least in some regards... i've always lacked the same independence other people mistake for maturity. even now,...
.: cloudy :: 10.08.23 :: Cooking (in the Metaphorical Sense) :.
avatar my back has been hurting more lately... always so achey. on monday i need to start complaining to my various doctors. i have a hard time following through on medical appointment instructions because...
.: cloudy :: 09.23.23 :: At Rest :.
avatar today was OK. i went out shopping with my dad to get some more distilled water. realizing i do have quite severe agoraphobia and need to reintegrate myself into society again. also realizing no one ma...
.: cloudy :: 09.16.23 :: Faded T Shirts :.
avatar my cat has been sitting in sunbeams again lately... she hadn't for a while but it's funny that i have to look around my chair to make sure she isn't sitting directly behind the wheels... she loves bei...
.: sunny :: 09.08.23 :: Memory and Nonhumanity :.
avatar saw my psych today, refilled my cpap machine odds and ends on the phone... whew! my psych was - well, psyched, i guess, when i told her i finally got a new chair, and i got to show her pictures i'd t...
.: sunny :: 09.07.23 :: Arts and Crafts :.
avatar lately ive had the itch to create stuff.... trying lots of new techniques or methods.... there's a lot of mediums that id like to play with irl that i dont have access to due to space/money/time... w...
.: sunny :: 08.18.23 :: The Familiar Spiral :.
avatar have you heard about how the human brain tends towards the pain it knows towards the pain it doesn't? our brains are wired for patterns. we crave familiarity, routine, a foothold in a world that's al...
.: sunny :: 08.04.23 :: Back To Normal :.
avatar after a long journey of medical negligence i have my testosterone back! so i feel much more peaceful again. which feels funny - i always hear this harmful stereotype of "testosterone makes you angry"...