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Rattle Rattle

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posted on 05.01.24
listening to: the sun on our backs - IVVY
playing: animal crossing: new leaf
feeling: nostalgic
outside it is: sunny sunny

i cleaned up (read: deleted) some old old art entries (and they were broken already oops). i've also uploaded some new art, and we recently affiliated with citadark (my friend miles). you can see his site linked on the right nav now!

ive been doing some blog posting lately, too. they're listed under the articles list on the main page, the right column of the two. feel free to take a look at them if you have interest and time!

i have been quietly working on music in the background. i hope to have an album sometime eventually. i am really proud of the one song i finished already, titled 'the long run'. i posted it on mastodon: give it a listen! i want to make some more nice ambient electronic.

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