pokewalkers >> swifty's hq v2.2 >

here's my articles. these are posts that are more informative than introspective, but the two aren't necessarily exclusive.

.: sunny :: 03.16.24 :: Statement Continues :.
avatar firstly: i've got more artwork added in. i have some WIP articles being written about winamp and fuzz academy, but i've been too tired to work on them at length. for the most part, the biggest change...
.: cloudy :: 03.06.24 :: Dusty :.
avatar i've added further integration of posts on the front page. i didn't really neeeeed a separate layout for blog posts at all. i figured it'd just be nice all around, and might also be really nice to in...
.: rainy :: 02.29.24 :: Who and What :.
avatar we have a new affiliate: virtual pet hell! he drew some rockin' swifty art for artfight and now we're partners in neocities. ive also been working on and off on an article on a website i used to freq...
.: sunny :: 02.27.24 :: A Torrent :.
avatar im finally doing a fairly significant update... the archive is moved to the left nav, and recent art posts are listed above the news entries on the main page. AND THERE'S AN RSS FEED FOR THAT! that...
.: rainy :: 02.20.24 :: Occasional Thunder :.
avatar it's almost time for the site's anniversary... unfortunately the project i wanted to complete for it will be taking longer than expected. who knows when it'll be done? though i would still like to ma...
.: rainy :: 02.19.24 :: Kick In The Ass :.
avatar the site has an rss feed, and the front page features blog posts instead of individual update logs. this will ideally lead to me making more log posts like this to properly elaborate on what i've...
.: overcast :: 2.14.24 :: Back and Forth :.
avatar valentimes.... i celebrated my sixth anniversary with my sweet girlfriend recently, i just came back from visiting her up in oregon. it's interesting how i feel coming back 'home'; every time i come b...
.: sunny :: 11.14.23 :: Changing And Staying The Same :.
avatar i think ive been dawdling in the past a lot because i'm unhappy w/ the present lately, at least in some regards... i've always lacked the same independence other people mistake for maturity. even now,...
.: cloudy :: 10.08.23 :: Cooking (in the Metaphorical Sense) :.
avatar my back has been hurting more lately... always so achey. on monday i need to start complaining to my various doctors. i have a hard time following through on medical appointment instructions because...
.: cloudy :: 09.23.23 :: At Rest :.
avatar today was OK. i went out shopping with my dad to get some more distilled water. realizing i do have quite severe agoraphobia and need to reintegrate myself into society again. also realizing no one ma...