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trailhead: from start to finish

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posted on 01.22.25


thumbnails of a fox peering down at the viewer, who is laying on the ground.

i started out with a little rough draft to plot out the overall idea and the values i wanted. if i were a little more proactive, i would have done a color draft, too, but i ended up just winging it from a reference (photo i took).

after the blockout, i refined the head shape for toby, since i wanted to make sure i could get it looking foxlike enough. i still felt pretty uncertain at this point! i also roughed out thirds to try and focus on one of the corners of the inner square. i knew i wanted toby peeking from the bottom right, but not where exactly in the bottom right.


a pale blue sky with clouds, with faint green leaves on the right side

i tried something a little different... i decided to start with the sky and work my way down, which i think works well and i'd like to do it more in the future. i colored in the sky and then roughed out the walnut tree leaves on the right.

more leaves on the left side are added and the existing right side leaves are darkened

i added the pine trees on the left and added some of the closer leaves and branches on the right. i find myself struggling with value depth and color choice, but i think the pale tones here were just fine. i tend to end up color-correcting my pieces slightly by the end, and i expected that here too.


similar to the last image, but with a black sketched fox head and body outline

i roughed out where toby's head and upper body would be here. at this stage, i thought i drew it the right size, but i found myself wishing i'd made him a little bigger in the end.

two versions showing the rendered fox with circular animal eyes, followed by another with toonier eyes and more fur definition

at first i went for a more round animalistic eye, but then found myself leaning towards something more toony and unrealistic. i also added the white neck ruff here; have you ever studied a cat's fur? i have been doing that a lot lately. it's been interesting noticing that fur tends to pile in certain ways - out, rather than against the neck sometimes.


added foliage covers the edges of the screen

i continued to refine the background and subject to add darker values. i added closer foliage and tried to make his muzzle more distinct.

more leaf detail is added

more leaf refinement, especially for the pine trees. i think the left side got muddied a little but i tried to fix it here. i also refined the cheek fluff on toby.

the colors are skewed warmer with better contrast

i finally got around to editing the color here, since i had most of the values in a place i was fine with. i always find myself overdoing it with filters, so i've been trying harder to not add drastic change if it doesn't add color unity to the piece.

from here i added the symbols on top, and viola! the finished piece.

the finished piece

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