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furrymuck 101


so what the heck is a MUCK?

a MUCK is a text-based chatroom, which may have (but doesn't necessarily always have) rpg/combat/play mechanics.

it's oldschool! people use a lot of different clients to connect to a server, and generally just walk around, describe things, read things, talk to people, emote, and so on!

MUCKs also have their own coding 'languages', and the one we'll see here is named MPI, aka 'Message Parsing Interpreter'. you can do some really cool stuff with it!

what is furryMUCK?

furryMUCK is the oldest furry-specific MUCK server, and it's still around today, despite being a little quiet! you don't even necessarily need to play as a furry on here, either, i've seen people play as anime characters and sentient objects, too.

the existing community is small, but very vibrant. and there's a lot to see and read if you go exploring - lots of things you read there will be older than 10 years old, even! this thing has HISTORY!

how do i connect?

firstly, you need a telnet client! personally, i love mudlet, and it's easy to use.

you can find the address via the how to connect page. if the page is down, the address and port is: telnet 8888

from here, you can connect as a guest and take a look around. you'll want the controls guide to continue...

how can i join?

the registration process is about as ancient as the MUCK itself. via the registration page, you can see that you have to send an email (or snail mail!!) with relevant information about yourself.

the wizzes check the inbox often, so you should get in quickly enough! you can also apply with extra info if you want access to more explicitly-rated zones.

further reading

old semi-faq

how to connect

help for new MUCKers

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