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Auntie, Uncle, and Oddy

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posted on 09.30.24
listening to: a wish - gregory and the hawk
playing: pokemon platinum
feeling: achey
outside it is: sunny sunny

my sister had a baby today! i'm not sure what that makes me, but i'm happy for her, so i guess it makes me 'happy', LOL. my friend autumn said i was an ant and i was like no i think i am more of a hercules beetle... i've kind of decided on 'oddy' but i figure we'll see what my sister decides to use.

i try not to talk about gender with family members. my sister is outwardly accepting but. (wobbles hand). today my dad brought me around to one of his closest friends to share the news and even his friend was like, "well, congrats, you're an aunty now! (pause) or whatever you--"

so, it's nice that people seem to care a little. i know it's complex for them and i doubt they want me to sit them down and give them a gender 101 talk. this includes my father. but it's nice to be seen at all, you know, knowing that they don't get it but want to accept me anyway. i do wish i could get more specific with them, but it's one of those things, you know? it's awkward. but they call me the right name. sometimes they use the right pronouns, too.

unrelatedly, working with insurance companies sucks. i have been having trouble refilling my testosterone lately. they tell me i have one refill but they won't allow me to use it because i need a new authorization. it's like this post:

a screenshot of a tumblr post by wizardshark that reads, hi yeah i know ive been on this medication for 8 years but i need-- yeah. yeah 3 more months please. I'll call you in 3 months to beg for 3 more months, thanks. Bye. Love you.

except the three months is more like five, and the 8 years is more like 4. i love that my hormones are a controlled substance i love it. gritting my teeth. growling.

anyways that's more or less it. i got a haircut today that narrowly avoided disaster. i got a bunch of pokestops in pokemon go. i uploaded art. it can always be better or worse. but i will never stop posting. (RIP eggbug, as a sidenote...)

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