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Tagging In ft. Eggbug's Goodbye

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posted on 09.12.24
listening to: tatsuhiko asano - the island of memory
playing: radirgy generic
feeling: --
outside it is: sunny sunny

pretty significant refactoring in how journals are tagged, including a functioning 'tag search' that should - theoretically - show you all posts with that tag. i'm still feeling out how i want to categorize my posts, but hopefully it makes it easier for those of you who wanted to see thoughts on a given thing. i'll probably migrate more of my posts to this tagged blog syntax, too.

cohost is shutting down next month (going read-only up til i think december?), which is sad. i really enjoyed that site. it felt closer to tumblr than most blogging sites ive tried otherwise. i'll miss it a lot. people did a lot of fun css crimes, but they also had gems like this (click through:)

a post by rykarn about their dream where there was something called the irish taco.

and like, i don't know. this is one of those things that might have happened in ye-olde 2013 tumblr, but that's a decade ago and tumblr doesn't make posts quite as strange and post-modern as they used to. ('we', maybe? no, i still make some strange ass jokes.)

i also liked the dense population of furries, as well as their porn subculture, which was actually better than a lot of websites i've been on. it was just.... a nice place.

i don't know that we'll get something like it again. their mascot, eggbug, was really cute, too. -sigh- i've removed my cohost link for now, but i hear there will be a full archival on Internet Archive, if anyone's interested in perusing it postmortem. i've replaced its icon on the sidebar with a link to my retroachievements profile.

what else.... well, i'm trying to draw again. still struggling to find a sweet spot of painless drawing. but i'm still drawing, i promise. see?

a drawing of an oshawott holding a runner the mongoose beanie baby.

also, happy 17th anniversary to pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of time and darkness! i love you! you did things to my brain that no other game could!

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