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Pixel Cats End

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posted on 04.26.24

have you played pixel cat's end? i've been playing it for a year and a half (as of writing). i think it's really cute and fun and easygoing. a lot of petsites tend to hook the player into patterns that make them come back every day. but pixel cat's is a lot more casual.

pixel cats home page

you get these little "not-cats" and you can adventure with them or decorate them with accessories. they even have a 'scenarios' daily task(?) where you can watch them interact and pick responses. you can breed them, too, and cats can have multiple partners or none at all, and cats can also choose whether they want to have beans (kittens) or if they only want to adopt or don't want any at all. you can pick two sets of pronouns, too. and instead of gender, there's "winds", which don't correlate to a gender really. they're for breeding purposes.

pixel cats adventuring party

i really enjoy this site and i appreciate the lack of dark patterns in gameplay. i know this can often lead to a game not grabbing someone enough and they end up giving up on it. but i dunno. it's like, the petsite i have always wanted. it's perfect for me. the only downside is that it's a semi-open beta, where you have to wait for an opening. but i hear the beta is almost over........

anyway, i hope you give it a look. it's really nice and charming and i think lots of people would enjoy giving it a chance.

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