Tagged “webdev”

tagged “webdev”

webpage tutorial
avatar the makings of a retro webpage introduction so you want to make a webpage, and you want to emulate some of that old 'charm of the net' you see all over, right? that's great! i myself have done that...

guide webdev (read full post...)

avatar how to inject navigation using js & jquery setup you'll need the following: a file named load.js (placed in the main directory) a file for the page itself, to use as a template/base (can go anywhere)...

webdev guide (read full post...)

Eyesore & More
avatar the thing about reviving an old trend or style is that you need to find a middle ground between accuracy and accessibility. as of late, there's been a scemo/scene/emo/sparkledog type revival. people...

article drawing webdev accessibility (read full post...)

Every Website An Island
avatar the difference of social media / blogging vs independent website use is so... strange, honestly. i grew up in such an era before social media, you know, and even still, i feel strange going back to t...

article drawing webdev (read full post...)