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fanghorn ii

[ Fanghorn ii]
Format Spray
Notes silver fir, moss, lichen, pine needles, wet soil, and damp vegetation
Artist pineward
Date Fall 2022
Vibe Old, rustic, woodsy, smoky
Strength ★4/5
Duration ~8hr
General Use Outdoors Or date nights.
Overall Enjoyment ★5/5

such a good woodsy smell! immediately struck by the pine resin smell. it's very much musky, but slightly green. as it ages, it becomes campfire-esque (very smoky and summery) and fades into an 'old closet' smell.

somehow i think i prefer the other sample i got, katabatic. over this one, as it's similar but has a sweeter take (whilst this one has no rootbeer tones). this is just a preference thing though and if you don't like sweeter smells you'll like this one better!

it's very hard to find woodsy smells but i think this one is an extremely valid contender!

also it lasts like super fucking long which isnt necessarily BAD but just know you will smell of it for a while.