sung tongs

[ Sung Tongs]
Year 2004
Artist Animal Collective
Genres Alternative, experimental, progressive
Length Longish
Tone downtempo, erratic
Variety ★5/5
Pacing ★5/5
Vibes ★5/5
Fav Track Leaf House

this is an album ive previously only heard one song off of - leaf house, the intro track. i know that avey tare, one of the band members, also wrote another song under a different artist label - this song was minorly famous in the warrior cats and therian communities, and it was called little fang.

needless to say, listening to the full album is a long time coming! i love the percussion on this thing. it reminds me of a lot of things - a busy kitchen, riding a bike, running outside. it's a sort of rural celebration, to me, and very warm.

the vocals, often distorted or slurred, add to a sort of primal or primitive feeling. the music feels so tactile and old and celebratory of life. of being some kind of animal, i guess? haha. the vocals specifically make the entire thing hypnotic to listen to.

overall, i just love this album so, so much, it's like a tasty stew for my soul.