pokewalkers >> swifty's hq v2.2 > main > about

about us


deep in the heart of the internet, there exists a little hideout filled with the whimsy of the late 2000s.... swifty's hq!

inspired by a variety of pokemon fansites, this site's focus is being a playground --- that is to say, quizzes, reviews, and art sometimes.

this site was started on february 22, 2022. since then, the site has changed significantly! the code on this site is proudly hosted on neocities and static-generated using 11ty and ninjucks.

about the author


ratingstamp by moonstamp by moonright to repairno nfts

name :: forest, rowan (previous: altias, swifttail, gingernose)

identity :: nonbinary, therian, butch lesbian

age :: 20's

pronouns :: they/he/it

gender :: it's complicated (butch lesbian)

occupation :: sometimes community moderator and general layabout

most prominent interests :: furries, 3d artwork, environment design, cat genetics, wizards, tarot, niche animal games, pokemon, landscape design, myst, the elder scrolls, his girlfriend :P

favorite music artists :: fleetwood mac, vylet pony, june lalonde, king gizzard, andreas vollenweider, radiohead, psapp, david arkenstone (on early troika albums), lifeformed, laryssa okada, sweet trip, black moth super rainbow, aphex twin, telefon tel aviv, dismemberment plan, men i trust, zammuto, wolfgun, lookfar/louie zong, owl city, abba, animal collective, casiopea, nobonoko, patricia taxxon, tame impala, the wonder years

in middle school my bff was the hgss pokewalkeri think ive always been some kind of creaturetherian pridetherian pride


a list of people from my formative years, using the oldest usernames/names i remember:

  • sunnymurasaki
  • destinye
  • mikkumikku/teal
  • vicky-the-wolf (congrats on your transition and thanks for coming out to me while you were really high via skype)
  • bryn/kochamura (congrats on your transition x2)
  • dingoinnuendo/jack/shock on tumblr (congrats on your transition x3)
  • moogle/wyatt (congrats on your transition x4)
  • tuesday/minestuck (congrats on your transition x5)
  • petzfan/petz (congrats on your transition x6)
  • jingo/bittythekitty (congrats on your lesbianism)
  • ssleepy/sabs
  • kerii (i liked the comics u made)
  • oraceon/d3dx3
  • tansyheart/fairyleaf/redd/em
  • chickenwhite
  • fkandfriends (congrats on your webcomic)
  • girleroyblue105 (sorry you got banned on dA for being underaged back then)
  • nanabuns
  • redrie
  • twilightmoonvampire (first person to draw my oc back on fuzzacademy)
  • tiger-puppy (congrats on your transition x7)
  • wyr(? i think was the name) (sorry i didnt change altias's hair to platinum blonde at your suggestion)

cliques & credits

website layout: mine

stylesheet switcher: dynamicdrive.com (free script!)

quiz scripts: dragonflycave

misc. graphics: pexels.com (various), sadgrl.online
