
a digital painting of three white foxes running on a yellow wavy background. the first one is drawn in solid clean lines. the second is drawn in a softer brush. the third is scribbled loosely. only the first one has an eye drawn. on the top left and bottom right corners are lavender skies. a pink waveform spans horizontally three times, one on each fox, focused on the face.

runner ... created 2024-05-30

scrabbling around with rake brushes; there used to be the word 'run.' written on the tail of each silhouette, but i ended up deciding against it. i also initially had the foxes be pure black, but it didn't really work well with the piece's color unity... but its fine! still OK with the finished piece.

Alt Text

a digital painting of three white foxes running on a yellow wavy background. the first one is drawn in solid clean lines. the second is drawn in a softer brush. the third is scribbled loosely. only the first one has an eye drawn. on the top left and bottom right corners are lavender skies. a pink waveform spans horizontally three times, one on each fox, focused on the face.