pokewalkers >> swifty's hq v2.2 > art > 2d > post

<< dream flow >>
an edited photograph of a river in the woods. along the top and bottom of the image are bands of horizontally tiling rainbow wolf outlines. the color palette is low-contrast.

dream flow // created 2023-09-28

a creek i used to visit often whenever i went up towards the mountains! really gorgeous place. the photo quality is ass because i had a dinky ipod touch and it took AWFUL quality photos. i was afraid people might think i AI generated the bg because i ended up making it look more surreal than i meant it to look. but no thats an actual ass river.

Alt Text

an edited photograph of a river in the woods. along the top and bottom of the image are bands of horizontally tiling rainbow wolf outlines. the color palette is low-contrast.