morphing how-to
basics setup
the command that will run you through most of the process of creating a morph is the command setup. you will have to do it in a room that you own.
@image set=urlhere will let you set a URL to an image of yourself!
wi lets you tag yourself with various descriptive tags. try wi #help to list all help related, and when you have a few to set, set them with "wi #set [all applicable variables with no spaces]".
the MORPH command
creating morphs
after setting all that, you can set your current form as your default using the MORPH command. first, type morph #add. then, give it an internal name (main, etc), and then a second name (a character name).
you can then set this to be your default morph, the one that you turn into on login, using MORPH #CONNECT. you can also set a morph to become when you disconnect with MORPH #DISCONNECT. the difference is kinda negligible.
you can make more morphs the same way! set up every field the way you want to, and repeat the morph #add process.
and, of course, you can use MORPH #LIST to list your current morphs, and MORPH #DELETE to start the deletion process for a given morph.
advanced morphing
you can make outfits or other changeable variables! see:
@desc me = @$desc A cute little fox with %sub[color] eyes.
@set me = color:green
and to create line breaks in your description, you can use {nl}!
further reading
gen-desc how to (for more granular descriptions and outfit variables)