pokewalkers >> swifty's hq v2.2 > art > 2d > post

hare in the field

an oil pastel drawing of a white hare - the rabbit kind - in a vibrant red-orange field. in the distance there is a bright blue sky with a large, white, fluffy cloud. the hare has no facial features.

hare in the field // created 2024-02-16

oil pastels on paper again. probably my second ever attempt on oil pastels in recent years. i managed to do some engraving here too. i did have to edit the face fairly heavily in CSP - it did have an eye in the initial scan, but i did it very crudely in a way that i think detracted from the piece. other than other slight tweaks for cleanup, that's the most i did to edit.

i attempted layering a bit of the colors for the first-ish time. i wanted to see how dense the red would be - and it gave me trouble making a nicer gold, settling more on a nice rosy orange-red. ah well! happy accidents and all that...

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an oil pastel drawing of a white hare - the rabbit kind - in a vibrant red-orange field. in the distance there is a bright blue sky with a large, white, fluffy cloud. the hare has no facial features.