"pokemon friend" is a zine i made while i was still in elementary school. pokemon was my life; i would scour serebii.net for ages, and loved browsing pokemon fansites for all of my alotted computer time.
i'm archiving it here, so you can kind of see the raw spark and energy i had for creating things at a young age... and also so you can see how passionate i was about the things i liked!
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a table of contents. labeled 'contents', that lists a single entry that reads 'contests... pg3' and the rest is indistinct, but resembles the rest of a list.
this page reads, pokemon friend is the magazine for pokemon trainers! this month, we celebrat eevee and its 7 evolutions. that's right, seven. more on pg 4. there is an inset fake drawn photo on the left of a pokeball. the bottom has text that reads 'also pokemon breeders, rangers, etcetera'. ther est of the page devolves into scribbles.